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Friday, April 6, 2018

Topology - Wikipedia
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This is a glossary of terms specific to differential geometry and differential topology. The following three glossaries are closely related:

  • Glossary of general topology
  • Glossary of algebraic topology
  • Glossary of Riemannian and metric geometry.

See also:

  • List of differential geometry topics

Words in italics denote a self-reference to this glossary.

Video Glossary of differential geometry and topology



Maps Glossary of differential geometry and topology


Bundle, see fiber bundle.

General relativity - Wikipedia
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Codimension. The codimension of a submanifold is the dimension of the ambient space minus the dimension of the submanifold.

Connected sum


Cotangent bundle, the vector bundle of cotangent spaces on a manifold.

Cotangent space

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Diffeomorphism. Given two differentiable manifolds M and N, a bijective map f {\displaystyle f} from M to N is called a diffeomorphism if both f : M -> N {\displaystyle f:M\to N} and its inverse f - 1 : N -> M {\displaystyle f^{-1}:N\to M} are smooth functions.

Doubling, given a manifold M with boundary, doubling is taking two copies of M and identifying their boundaries. As the result we get a manifold without boundary.

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Fiber. In a fiber bundle, ?: E -> B the preimage ?-1(x) of a point x in the base B is called the fiber over x, often denoted Ex.

Fiber bundle

Frame. A frame at a point of a differentiable manifold M is a basis of the tangent space at the point.

Frame bundle, the principal bundle of frames on a smooth manifold.


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Topology - Wikiwand
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Hypersurface. A hypersurface is a submanifold of codimension one.

Topology - Wikiwand
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Lens space. A lens space is a quotient of the 3-sphere (or (2n + 1)-sphere) by a free isometric action of Zk.

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Manifold. A topological manifold is a locally Euclidean Hausdorff space. (In Wikipedia, a manifold need not be paracompact or second-countable.) A Ck manifold is a differentiable manifold whose chart overlap functions are k times continuously differentiable. A C? or smooth manifold is a differentiable manifold whose chart overlap functions are infinitely continuously differentiable.

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Neat submanifold. A submanifold whose boundary equals its intersection with the boundary of the manifold into which it is embedded.

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Parallelizable. A smooth manifold is parallelizable if it admits a smooth global frame. This is equivalent to the tangent bundle being trivial.

Principal bundle. A principal bundle is a fiber bundle P -> B together with an action on P by a Lie group G that preserves the fibers of P and acts simply transitively on those fibers.


Fiber bundle - Wikipedia
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Submanifold, the image of a smooth embedding of a manifold.


Surface, a two-dimensional manifold or submanifold.

Systole, least length of a noncontractible loop.


Tangent bundle, the vector bundle of tangent spaces on a differentiable manifold.

Tangent field, a section of the tangent bundle. Also called a vector field.

Tangent space


Transversality. Two submanifolds M and N intersect transversally if at each point of intersection p their tangent spaces T p ( M ) {\displaystyle T_{p}(M)} and T p ( N ) {\displaystyle T_{p}(N)} generate the whole tangent space at p of the total manifold.



Vector bundle, a fiber bundle whose fibers are vector spaces and whose transition functions are linear maps.

Vector field, a section of a vector bundle. More specifically, a vector field can mean a section of the tangent bundle.


Whitney sum. A Whitney sum is an analog of the direct product for vector bundles. Given two vector bundles ? and ? over the same base B their cartesian product is a vector bundle over B ×B. The diagonal map B -> B × B {\displaystyle B\to B\times B} induces a vector bundle over B called the Whitney sum of these vector bundles and denoted by ???.

Source of article : Wikipedia